See Whats happening this month at your Fusion Early Learning Preschool!

Education Articles

The Common Core: Friend, Foe…or Neither?
As a mother, business owner and teacher, I realize that many of you have mixed feelings ... or let’s just be real here and say negative feelings ... about the “Core”. As you probably already know, the Common Core is a government mandated curriculum for K-12 schools in...

Dr. Seuss: 2 Crazy Easy Activities
Oh my, oh my it's finally here it's Dr. Seuss week if I wasn't clear Fusion is excited to create We're reading and crafting we hope you relate... It's finally here! One of my favorite weeks of the year, its Dr. Seuss week. This is a week full of imagination, play and...

If music be the food of love: PLAY ON!
The kids are loving music this week! They are sharing songs, dancing and playing instruments. The melody definitely tends to affect the energy in the room. 🙂 Music has been scientifically proven to have a positive effect on your Little's brain waves. You would be...

Invitation to play: DinoROAR!!!
Roar! The week of dinosaurs was a hit! And it's not over yet. Today we will be working on making giant puffy dinosaurs! And your Littles will be able to write their own stories. The week began building habitats for dinosaurs. The kids enjoyed gluing bark to cardboard...

Get Healthy: 5 Tips to get you started TODAY
Many of us would like to get healthier. We think about it when we are eating those fries we shouldn’t have ordered with our lunch or after wolfing down that piece of cheesecake after dinner. We seem to experience sort of an “eater’s remorse” during these times. So, we...

Innovative Sarasota Preschool Aims To Prepare Kids For Life
BY JESSI SMITH | TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2014 Do not be fooled by the scheduled snack breaks and daily mandatory nap time: Preschool is not necessarily a walk in the park for today's tots. Gone are the days of macaroni noodle art for the sake of macaroni noodle art....

Teaching kids: Be healthy while being green
Since the holiday season is officially over, it is again time to think about everything children need upon their return to school. Since we are fortunate enough to have the kiddos attending a school that requires uniforms, luckily our preparations are minimal. This...

Routines: Get in or get out?
The air is crisp, and I for one am elated to be back in my routine. I am up and out the door by 5 am, and my day doesn't end until the last wee one has their teeth brushed, been prayed over and tucked into bed. Sometimes those days can feel long but I am reminded...

Quiet: it’s not just okay it’s good.
In this busy day and age, I often find that my children and I are bustling from get-up to go-down. There's never a moment’s break. Driving to school this morning my car was quiet. I started to ponder what it was I should be teaching them in this moment. Should we go...

Fusion Early Learning Comes To Florida!
The Sarasota Learning Cottage Breaks New Grounds: First Preschool in the Nation to Bring Fusion Early Learning Outside the State of California! A local preschool is breaking new grounds as the first preschool in the nation to bring the Fusion Early Learning...