See Whats happening this month at your Fusion Early Learning Preschool!

Education Articles

How to Get Your Child to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
We know it’s hard to think of your preschool-aged child as a teenager, but the healthy eating habits you teach them now will help them make better eating choices as they get older. The daily recommended serving of fruits and vegetables for young children (ages 2-8) is...

Educational Neuroscience

Reduce, Reuse & Recycle: Art Ideas
In May our kids learned about the Earth’s biomes and ecosystems. We explored the plants, animals, and different characteristics that make each biome unique. The importance of recycling and preserving the Earth’s biomes was also talked about and explored as we created...

Now Enrolling for Summer Camp!
Discover Camp for ages 2-12 This year Discovery Camp begins on June 6 and runs through July 29. It is designed to be a break from the more structured school-year and be a time for our students to continue to explore and have some serious Summer fun!...

Choosing a Preschool for Your Child: A Checklist
Finding the perfect preschool for your child is both exciting and daunting. It’s an important decision and one that should be carefully thought out. You’ll want to make sure that you’re completely comfortable with the center and staff and the environment your child...

Kidding Around Yoga Coming to Fusion!

Quote for today…
Thank you Kidding Around Yoga for introducing us to this incredible book by Gari Stein! It describes what every classroom (preschool, kindergarten and first through 12th grade) should FEEL like to children. A welcoming and warm environment can do wonders for our...

2 steps and five minutes to snow
The groundhog has spoken! Six more weeks of winter fun! We just spent the week in the Maryland- DC area. The kids have absolutely adored being in the snow. That made me wonder about how to bring the experience home. After some research I came upon a fun recipe...

First Day of Kindergarten: It’s closer than you think
by Meghan Hamilton It's the end of January. Christmas is still a pretty fresh memory and children are getting excited about Valentine's Day. But, for you, the parent of a pre-k'er, this should be a time of preparation. Kindergarten is right around the corner and...

Kids and Toothbrushing: When did THAT become a battle?!
By Meghan Hamilton Let me start by saying we are blessed. We have 2 amazing, beautiful, healthy children. We love them to pieces. Ever since they were small we have modeled independence; encouraged it. Both were using the potty on their own and sleeping in a "big kid...