See Whats happening this month at your Fusion Early Learning Preschool!

Education Articles

This month we are exploring the universe! Curious what’s happening this week? Read on…
Put your helmets on, strap in and get ready to blast off! This month at Fusion, we will be Exploring the Universe! This week marks the start of our adventure into the vast, unknown reaches of outer space. During this month, Fusion students will begin to learn about...

Hansel and Gretel, Decomposition & Our Sense of Touch… Oh My!
This is the last week of our When You’re Strange theme. Next week we will being Exploring The Universe in both our Preschool and Infant programs. We will wrap up our theme this Friday with our annual Halloween Party. For the last week of our theme in the Green Room,...

Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm: Where fall memories are made
I was reminded last week the impact our childhood experiences have upon the rest of our lives. I have had the opportunity to be both parent and teacher to my own children here at Fusion Early Learning, and one of the things I look forward to are the events we run. As...

Were you around last week? If not, here’s what you missed!
Week 3 of our When You’re Strange theme is completed! Capping the week was our annual field trip to Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm. Everyone is SUPER-excited for the things to come, as this week will be our last of the theme, wrapping our month up with our annual Halloween...

We LOVE Halloween at Fusion
by Mr. Dante Here at Fusion, during the month of October we engage in several events and by far, my favorite event is our Halloween Party. Throughout the week you can feel the excitement in our students building towards the day they get to “show off” their chosen...

It’s Fall… Time for the StRaNgE and UnUsUaL at Fusion!
written by Dante Walters The weather is cooling, the leaves are fluttering on warm, hot cocoa-scented winds, and sandals have been traded in for snug, toasty boots. Fall is upon us and with that comes one of my favorite Fusion Early Learning courses: When You’re...

Family Friendly Fall Activities in the Yuba City and Marysville Area
Did you feel that? The weather is changing and there’s a new, crispness to the air calling us out to explore our surroundings in ways we forget during the hot months of Summer. Luckily for us there are many family friendly fall activities in the Yuba City and...

How to Help Your Child Manage Their Emotions
Teaching your child how to identify and manage their emotions can be a daunting task. It’s one thing to teach them to brush their teeth or wash their hands, these are tangible things for a child. But learning to recognize, name and manage something you can not see and...

Four Great Ideas for the Perfect Family Night
As a parent you have what seems like a million things begging for your attention. Work deadlines, sports practices, music rehearsals and social events can all make for a hectic and busy life and sometimes your family needs to take a break from it all. A regular family...

Creative Summer Activities for Kids
Summer is here, the kids are home and to keep everyone happy means that staying busy and engaged is the goal! We’ve gathered some ideas from around the web for boredom-busting fun. Whether you have toddlers, preschoolers or school-aged children at home, these creative...